Dormer Catalogs North America

4.4 ( 24 ratings )
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Developer: Dormer Pramet Ltd

The new Dormer product range catalogue specific for North America is now available to browse and download via a digital app.
This interactive app allows you to navigate Dormer’s comprehensive programme of round tools for:


The app includes a number of features designed to make choosing the right product as simple as possible. These include:

Multilingual setting (American English/Spanish/French)
Both Metric and Imperial size products (specifically for North America)
Ability to create your own catalog by setting pages as favorites
Product index links directly to the required page
Easy-to-use product search option
Large thumbnails to speed-up navigation
An optimized zoom option
Easily accessible technical support and information
Option to download the full catalogue (pdf format)

Dormer is a product brand of Dormer Pramet.